Berlin rent freeze overturned - Recover high back payments!
The Berlin rent freeze has been declared null and void. However, Berlin tenants still have a chance to protect themselves from additional payments.
Reprimand your landlord as soon as possible with a qualified letter of reprimand in order to be able to reclaim a large back payment.
"I never thought
CONNY could
actually cut my
rent in half! "
By acting quickly, high additional payments can be reclaimed!
Lawyers recommend that affected tenants immediately complain to the landlord about the excessive rent with a qualified letter of reprimand in accordance with the court-confirmed rent control law. This must be done before the landlord asks them to make an additional payment. After this complaint, however, tenants should then pay the additional payment owed under the tenancy agreement with reservation in order not to risk termination.
What should you do now?
- Immediately reprimand your landlord in writing: It is important that you reprimand your landlord with a qualified letter of reprimand before you receive a demand for back rent from him.
- Make the demanded back payment conditionally: After you have sent the reprimand, you must make the demanded back payment conditionally.
- Your rent will be checked: The written reprimand sets in motion a process that will review your original rent and determine the actual reasonable rent.
- Claiming a refund of the back rent: If it was determined that your rent was too high, you can claim back the overpaid back rent.
CONNY supports you with a quick reprimand, thus preventing the loss of your rent cap savings and takes over the enforcement of a permanent rent reduction. Do not lose valuable time.

Daniel Halmer, CEO CONNY
"The rent freeze has now been declared null and void by the Federal Constitutional Court. Thanks to the rent control, which has been confirmed by the court, Berlin tenants still have the chance to take action against excessively high rents. Berlin tenants can thus save an average of 287€."
Update on the Berlin rent freeze: What should tenants know?
The Berlin rent freeze was declared unconstitutional by the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe on April 15, 2021. Thus, the concerns of many experts were confirmed and tenants are threatened with high additional payments. This decision hits Berlin tenants hard, but there is with the constitutionally approved rent control for a large part of those affected a solution to reduce their rent. So check now with CONNY how much rent you can save each month.
- The rent control applies in Berlin to almost all rental agreements concluded since June 1, 2015.
- If the rent for your apartment in Berlin exceeds the local comparative rent plus 10 percent, you can pull the rent control.
- Quick action is required: the rent control only applies to tenants with a rental start date between June 1, 2015 and March 31, 2020 from the time you ask your landlord to reduce the rent. For rental agreements concluded on or after April 1, 2020, a retroactive rent reduction is possible as a result of the rent control.
The amount of savings with the rent control varies from the old rent freeze savings depending on the case. However, your savings potential as a tenant by means of the rent control is legally secure and sustainable. CONNY has already been able to advocate for a fair rent in thousands of cases and will also help you.
What distinguishes CONNY?
We are experienced IT and legal experts who have already successfully enforced the rent control for thousands of tenants. The principle applies: You only pay if we have been successful for you.
In addition, we offer you the following advantages:
Convenient: We take care of the entire process with your landlord; we file applications, set deadlines, send reminders, request and review evidence, and fund contract attorneys if court hearings are necessary. All you have to do is commission us and you will get updates on your case, be asked if you want to accept settlement offers or continue with the process, and be told the outcome at the end. There's no easier way to have your rights enforced.
No cost risk & active help: You only pay a success provision if the rent freeze is overturned. In this case, we receive five times the savings that we were able to enforce for you with the rent control. If we are not successful for you, you will not incur any costs. So if the rent freeze holds up in the Federal Constitutional Court, you pay nothing to CONNY. And unlike other consulting associations, we become active for you and enforce your claims.
High success rate: Due to our thousands of successful cases and our automated processes, the experience of all cases flows into your case and we can proceed very efficiently. Since we often proceed against the same companies, the willingness of the other side to settle increases with every case we win for our clients.
Identify savings potential
You fill out the rent control calculator free of charge & without obligation and find out directly how high your savings potential is. Afterwards, you can decide whether you want to commission CONNY with the enforcement of the rent control.
Commission CONNY
CONNY takes over the entire communication with your landlord and enforces your claim. As a rule, we can come to an out-of-court agreement. If your landlord is not willing to negotiate, the lawyers of the CONNY law firm will go to court for you. CONNY will pay the lawyer's fees and court costs.
Pay less rent
From now on, you only pay the rent that is in line with the rent control.
A commission is only due if we have successfully enforced your claim.