With extensive experience and intelligent technology, we ensure justice for our customers every day. Especially in cases of termination, CONNYs partner lawyers provide our customers with quick and reliable support.
DISQ: Tested was CONNYs service for tenancy law
Labour law is a difficult subject. We all hope not to have to come back to it. Nonetheless, there are always ambiguities and disputes with the employer. Many employers make use of their information and power advantage. At the same time, employees often shy away from going to a lawyer, because:
Going to a lawyer is difficult, costs a lot of money and brings with it the risk of being stuck with high costs.
That is why we at CONNY are there for you:
The CONNY partner attorneys are experts in dealing with cases of termination. Professionally and confidentially, they fend off unjustified dismissals or facilitate fair severance payments for employees.
At the same time, Conny GmbH assumes the entire risk of litigation and pays all legal fees and court costs. A pro rata commission is only due in the event of success. In the event of failure, you will incur no costs.
CONNY - Simple. Online. Without financial risk.
We can help with many issues concerning your rent. E.g., we reduce your rent with rent brake and rent cap, have your rent increase warded off by our partner lawyers and protect you against possible disputes with the landlord with our special tenant protection.
Everything about rentNeed some advice? The CONNY membership offers much more than the traditional tenants' association. You benefit from state-of-the-art legal technology and do not have to miss out on personal support.
Our tenant protection